Heures D'ouverture

La Lorraine - Zoufftgen


Horaires d'ouverture aujourd'hui

Viens savourer les plaisirs culinaires à La Lorraine. Situé à 80 r. Principale57330 ZoufftgenFrance, nos portes sont ouvertes aujourd'hui, prêtes à accueillir pour une expérience gastronomique exceptionnelle. Avec une note de 4.3 et 1188 des commentaires élogieux, nous sommes une visite incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine.

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi Fermé
  • Mardi Fermé
  • Mercredi 12:00 - 00:00 - 21:30
  • Jeudi 12:00 - 00:00 - 21:30
  • Vendredi 12:00 - 00:00 - 21:30
  • Samedi 12:00 - 00:00 - 21:30
  • Dimanche 12:00 - 00:00 - 21:30


  • Adresse: 80 r. Principale57330 ZoufftgenFrance
  • Téléphone: +33382834046 +33382834826




Creola Cassin
Creola Cassin

Je connais La Lorraine depuis la communion de mes 8 ans, j'en ai aujourd'hui 36. J'y vais depuis 1 à 2 fois par an.Nous avons également fais le baptême de mon premier fils il y a 2 ans et aujourd'hui celui de mon deuxième.La Lorraine a toujours été une référence pour moi en matière de cuisine. Je trouve que le chef maitrise très bien ses plats et innove régulièrement avec des produits locaux et de qualité.Nous y sommes allé ma femme et moi il y à une quinzaine de jours pour préparer le baptême. Très surpris que le menu découverte à 45 euros ne propose plus aucune alternative (ce qui était le cas auparavant). Nous avons mangé carpaccio de lotte en entrée et veau en plat. Les plats sont corrects mais les quantités sont justes limites.Le serveurs ont changés, ils sont jeunes et ça se voit. Le service est trop approximatif pour cette catégorie de restaurant. Première expérience 2017 plutôt décevante. Nous y étions de nouveau aujourd'hui pour le baptême, table de 13 personnes et deux bébés. Encore, une fois le service plus que moyen: longue attente à l'apéritif, pain qui tombe au service, très peu d'attention, couverts qui tombent non changé, aucune salutations en partant...Coté menu découverte, toujours la lotte en entrée, mais le veau a été remplacé par une cuisse de poulet aux morilles (qui ne sont pas de saison). Le poulet était bon mais sans plus, très déçu que le veau soit remplacé par une simple cuisse de poulet...J'ai le sentiment que le restaurant fait la course aux marges et rogne sur la qualité aux détriments du bien être de ses clients. Le service n'est quant à lui pas digne de cette catégorie de restaurants. Les prix montent la qualité baisse.Est-ce la période de transition père-fils? J'y compte y retourner dans quelques mois pour me refaire une idée en espérant y passer de nouveau un bon moment.NicolasEspérons que ca

Romaine Spinka
Romaine Spinka

Nous avons choisi le menu de découverte, tout est parfait : le repas, le vin et le service. restaurant à conseiller fortement

Mrs. Thora Balistreri II
Mrs. Thora Balistreri II

I confirm the quality of the place, authenticity of the kitchen and a successful business lunch. quality ratio satisfactory price. I recommend

Prof. Christopher Nitzsche
Prof. Christopher Nitzsche

We go to the Lorraine about 2 times a year because we like to bcp this restaurant (in any case the dishes offered.) the service has never been the strong point of the Lorraine, but this time, worse than anything. Our presence clearly disturbed them. Only 3 tables this Saturday night of June, the goal was I think I'd get us out as soon as possible. fortunately that the chef always raises the level, the dishes are always excellent, but why not make more effort on the service! That's what makes you want to come back! For our part, we no longer want to resound the experience. The boss, always as kind. And the waiter tonight, totally blasphemed and not friendly.At the end of the meal, we received at the same time, dessert, coffee, mignardises accompanying the coffee, and the meringues they usually offer at the end of the meal. We didn't know what to eat in oreluzr! )-: not frankly, it was really not correct. but thank you to the chief, who really raises the level and deserves to work with more motivated people.

Daphney Bergstrom
Daphney Bergstrom

I know the godmother since the communion of my 8 years, I am now 36. I have been there for 1 to 2 times a year.We also made the baptism of my first son 2 years ago and today that of my second son. The sponsor has always been a reference for me in the kitchen. I find that the chef can very well manage his dishes and regularly innovate with local and quality products. We went there to my wife and I about fifteen days ago to prepare for baptism. very surprised that the discovery menu at 45 euros no longer offers any alternative (which was the case before.) we ate carpaccio of the entry and calf in flat. the dishes are correct but the quantities are just limits. The servers have changed, they're young and it's seen. the service is too approximate for this category of restaurant. first experience 2017 rather disappointing. We were there again today for baptism, table of 13 people and two babies. Once again, once the service is more than average: long wait at the aperitif, bread that falls at the service, very little attention, covered that fall unchanged, no greetings leaving...Coté menu discovered, always the lotte in entry, but the calf was replaced by a thigh of chicken with bites (which are not season.) the chicken was good but without more, very disappointed that the veal was replaced by a the service is not worthy of this category of restaurants. prices show the quality decrease. Is this the father-son transition period? I intend to go back there in a few months to make an idea again hoping to spend a good time there again.

Rosario Boehm
Rosario Boehm

First of all the positive points: food was up to reputation, fine quality foods, really nothing to say. The place is really very pleasant with a very beautiful garden in the summer.By the negative point: the staff, we were 5 at the table and the opinion was unanimous of the staff not at the height, a barely smiling boss see unpleasant. a server allowing for inappropriate reflections not a positive point on the service. This is not the first star where I go and it is clear that at the level of service they have a lot to learn from restaurant to rename it well superior. In conclusion, I would not return to this restaurant and I would misguide a food, I say, excellent. this kind of place must make you spend a nice time and that's not the case.

Bennett Ullrich DVM
Bennett Ullrich DVM

restaurant on the border with Luxembourg. between wheat fields and pasture cows. the restaurant has a nice internal garden where you can take the aperitif and the interiors have a room with a beautiful veranda that from the garden and two smaller rooms. the card is not very rich but offers 3 really interesting menus for choice and price. the quality of the dishes is indisputable. everything really good and well presented. attentive and discreet staff. maybe service a little long...but you are there to enjoy the atmosphere and you should not be in a hurry. We recommend it for a couple dinner.

Allen Zieme
Allen Zieme

Adoring gourmet restaurants, we were making a real pleasure to go to the Lorraine! However, the meal was very badly started ... the person responsible for serving us was not very friendly, we clearly felt too much! This can be from our young age! In addition to the kindness to be reviewed, the dishes were running at a crazy speed (we left the first customers who arrived) and the presentations were sometimes absent. Thankfully, at the end of the service, another server came to the rescue and we spent a much more enjoyable meal end. Apart from this service incident, the room is one of the most beautiful we have seen, the dishes are great qualities and the small passage of the chef at the end of the meal was really appreciated. A beautiful place that we advise, we are not greedy :).

La Lorraine ouvert


  • Jardin De Repos
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  • Accessible Aux Fauteuils Roulants
  • Sert De L'alcool
  • Accepte Les Cartes De Crédit
  • Stationnement Disponible
  • Café
  • Climatisation
  • Non-fumeur