Heures D'ouverture

Le Vietnam - Grasse


Horaires d'ouverture aujourd'hui

Découvre les culinaires délices à Le Vietnam. Idéalement nestled à 3 rue des Fabreries, 06130, Grasse, France, nous serve une gamme de scrumptious plats. Notre fière cote de 4 et 406 appréciatives est un évidence de notre engagement à offrir un service et une nourriture exceptionnels.

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi 11:45 - 14:15
  • Mardi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Mercredi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Jeudi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Vendredi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Samedi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Dimanche 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00


  • Adresse: 3 rue des Fabreries, 06130, Grasse, France
  • Téléphone: +33493429822 +330493786978 +33493786978




Dr. Crystel Wolff MD
Dr. Crystel Wolff MD

Nous cherchions un autre restaurant, qui était fermé ce soir-là et sommes tombés sur Le Vietnam. Comme nous étions prêts à manger quelque chose de différent de la cuisine française, nous avons décidé de manger ici. Le restaurant est très très simple, mais l'hôte est très doux et accueillant. Nous savions ce que nous voulions car nous étions des habitués de nombreux restaurants vietnamiens aux États-Unis, mais dans ce restaurant, le Pho (soupe de nouilles vietnamienne typique) et le Bun Bo Xao (salade de vermicelles avec boeuf grillé et sauce de poisson) ne venaient qu'en entrée ( démarreur) taille. Cependant, la dame a dit qu'elle pouvait faire des plats aussi "grands" ou de la taille d'un plat principal car elle savait que cela se faisait couramment ailleurs. Ils étaient tous les deux bien préparés, avaient un goût frais et étaient satisfaisants. La nourriture est saine et légère. Le Pho aurait pu utiliser plus de sortes de viande et de basilic, mais encore une fois, ce n'est pas un endroit où leur spécialité est le Pho et je suppose que personne ne le commande comme plat principal. Ma fille de 4 ans avait une soupe wonton avec des nouilles et elle l'a adoré. Si vous n'aimez pas l'ambiance mais que vous voulez faire une pause dans la cuisine française, c'est un bon endroit où s'arrêter.

Tyler Welch V
Tyler Welch V

Lors de notre première visite, nous avons eu le hotpot mongol, qui était excellent. La deuxième fois, nous avons eu quelques salades et des plats sautés, qui étaient corrects, mais pas aussi bons que la première visite. Malheureusement, je trouve le restaurant lui-même un peu petit et singulier. Le service est sympathique et les prix très raisonnables.

Alyce Dooley
Alyce Dooley

It had high ratings and low euro signs, so we thought we'd give it a tryThe staff was lovely and extremely attentiveThe food was hot and fresh.

Helen Pollich
Helen Pollich

We ordered a plate to share (a dish for two persons according to the menu). We kind of figured the lady misunderstood us because we received the dish two times (so for persons). To avoid any problems (with the bill) we asked them right...away if it was right we got the dish two times. They told us it was good because the food was for two persons. When we got the bill I asked the lady why she charged the dish two times (so for persons) since we asked them earlier if it was right we received two plates. She immediately started screaming and telling us she was going to call the police. I asked her why she got so mad instantly because it was just a question and we never told her we were not going to pay or what so ever. She just misunderstood us because of the language barrier. The man told her: just let them pay one.. but the lady kept on yelling and the man started to do the same thing. We wanted to get this over with so we payed for four persons and left. It’s not okay for a restaurant owner to treat customers like this. Long story short... this is the most disappointing restaurant I have ever been too and I have never experienced such unfriendly staff.

Dereck Jerde IV
Dereck Jerde IV

We were looking for another restaurant, which was closed that evening and stumbled across Le Vietnam. Since we were ready to eat something different other than French food, we decided to eat here. The restaurant is very very simple, but the host is very gentle...and welcoming. We knew what we wanted as we were regulars at many Vietnamese restaurants in the US, but in this restaurant, the Pho (typical vietnamese noodle soup) and the Bun Bo Xao (vermicelli salad with grilled beef and fish sauce) came only as entree (starter) size. However, the lady said that she could do the dishes as large or main dish size as she knew that this commonly done elsewhere. They were both prepared well, tasted fresh, and were satisfying. The food is healthy and light. The Pho could have used more different kinds of meat and basil, but again, this is not a place where their specialty is Pho and I assume that nobody orders it as the main dish. My yo daughter had wonton soup with noodles, and she loved it. If you don't care for ambience but want a break from French food, this is a good place to stop by.

Alexzander Miller
Alexzander Miller

On our first visit we had the Mongolian Hotpot, which was excellent. The second time we had a couple of salads and some stir fried dishes, which were OK, but not as good as the first visit. Unfortunatley, I find the restaurant itself a little...small and pokey. Service is friendly and the prices very reasonable.

Garry Klocko IV
Garry Klocko IV

Très sympathique de très bons plats Un acceuil dès plus agréable.

Prof. Dorothy Von Sr.
Prof. Dorothy Von Sr.

La cuisine au top, mais le serveur est stressant

Le Vietnam heures d'affaires




  • Réservations
  • Sert De L'alcool
  • Végétarien Amical
  • Options Végétaliennes
  • Sièges