Heures D'ouverture

Restaurant l'Orchidee - Frontignan


Horaires d'ouverture aujourd'hui

Entrez dans Restaurant l'Orchidee, votre porte vers un monde de saveurs. Sur 8 B boulevard de la Republique, 34110 Frontignan, France, notre liste de nourriture est une cornucopia d'expériences, de voyages, d'aventures épicuriennes. Notre classement sur 4 et 118 passionnés montre notre inébranlable dévouement à créer des repas d'exception.

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi 19:00 - 21:30
  • Mardi 19:00 - 21:30 | 12:00 - 14:00
  • Mercredi Fermé
  • Jeudi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 21:30
  • Vendredi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Samedi 12:00 - 14:00 | 19:00 - 22:00
  • Dimanche 19:00 - 21:30 | 12:00 - 14:00


  • Adresse: 8 B boulevard de la Republique, 34110 Frontignan, France
  • Téléphone: +33467286703




Ali Carroll
Ali Carroll

We really enjoyed great food served in a friendly environment and the food was different and excellent, we tried all sorts we had not eaten before and were not dissapointed. do not let the view from the outside put you off.

Mr. Rowland Hoppe MD
Mr. Rowland Hoppe MD

Friendly welcome despite language barrier,(ours!). We threw ourselves at his mercy to feed us and he came up trumps! We did not leave hungry. Lovely salad with dressing followed by tofu curry and spicy veg stir fry with rice.......we had banana fritters and chocolate sauce and their 'coconut speciality' - ( we were warned we would either love it or hate it - a challenge!) whatever it was it was good!

Jarvis Wilkinson
Jarvis Wilkinson

Ate here a year or so ago and was a little disappointed, went back largely because of a friend who said he had such a good meal here.We really enjoyed ourselves. The service was good, the sizzling dishes were very good, especially the Prawns flambé in Marc and the price for two, including entrees, mains and an excellent local wine was just over 50€.

Dr. Hildegard Jacobson
Dr. Hildegard Jacobson

we have served really great eating in a friendly environment and eating was different and excellent, we tried all the species we had not eaten before and were not dissapointed. the view from outside do not let you stand out.

Roman Becker DVM
Roman Becker DVM

friendly reception despite linguistics, ours! . we have entrusted ourselves to his mercifulness, to feed us and he came on trumps! we have not left starving. beautiful salat with dressing followed by tofu curry and spicy veg stir fry with rice....we had bananenfritter and chocolate sauce...and their 'cococoss speciality' we were warned, we would either love or hate it a challenge! whatever it was good!

Mrs. Arlie Abshire Sr.
Mrs. Arlie Abshire Sr.

ate here a year or so before and was a little disappointed, went largely back because of a friend who said he had such a good meal here. we really enjoyed each other. the service was good, the dazzling dishes were very good, especially the Prawns...flambé in marc and the price for two, among them entrees, net and an excellent local wein was just over 50€.

Restaurant l'Orchidee ouvert




  • Livraison
  • Réservations
  • Enfants
  • Familles Avec Enfants
  • Sert De L'alcool
  • Végétarien Amical
  • Sortir
  • Sièges
  • Places à L'extérieur