Heures D'ouverture

McDonald's - Combs-la-Ville

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Horaires d'ouverture aujourd'hui

Découvre les gastronomiques plaisirs à McDonald's. Idéalement nestled à avenue Andre Malraux | ZAC de l'Ormeau, 77380 Combs-la-Ville, France, nous serve une gamme de delicious plats. Notre fière cote de 1.5 et 46 favorables est un preuve de notre engagement à offrir un service et une nourriture remarquables.

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Mardi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Mercredi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Jeudi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Vendredi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Samedi 00:00 - 23:59
  • Dimanche 00:00 - 23:59


  • Adresse: avenue Andre Malraux | ZAC de l'Ormeau, 77380 Combs-la-Ville, France
  • Téléphone: +33164403075




Marcellus Wisozk
Marcellus Wisozk

1 an et demi après mon 1er avis toujours autant de problèmes, voir pire !!! J'appelle la direction, s'il y en a une ! C'est une aberration totale, ce mcdonald's ne devrait plus exister ! Il commence sérieusement à me faire exploser le cs !- J'y retourne de temps en temps en espérant à chaque fois que ce mcdonald's s'installe, mais pas toujours pareil. à partir de début juin, c'était la dernière fois.- des commandes oubliées 9 fois sur 10. - d'une lenteur à rendre paresseux!- un personnel ignorant totalement les besoins des clients. de leurs avis, de leurs remarques sur leurs incompétences.- brouillon total de commandes avec de nombreux clients en retour au comptoir pour réclamer leurs dus, autant de retard pour ceux qui attendent d'être servis. - un personnel complètement débordé, en panique totale, avec des employés de cuisine à la gomme. Une honte! - Je ne parle même pas de la face des sandwichs, complètement écrasés dans les sachets, sans compter qu'il fait froid faute de qualités d'organisation. le pire c'est qu'à chaque remarque de client, le personnel leur manque de respect car n'accepte pas les critiques !? Non mais c'est une blague, un sketch, arrête, tu ne manqueras jamais PERSONNE ! Ce macdo est le restaurant rapide le plus lent du coin avec une équipe d'une incompétence épouvantable et des clients pris comme d'habitude pour des cochons payeurs !!!Bouffe, payer et fermer ta gueule est la devise du mcdo...

Dr. Craig Farrell IV
Dr. Craig Farrell IV

le restaurant a la pointe de la modernité mais personnel pas à la hauteur. Ils débordent de rien au volant, il manque toujours ce qui est ennuyeux

Dr. Marques Marks
Dr. Marques Marks

Fast restoration here is the concept of the brand. However the waiting is endless and the command errors are legion. Too bad.

Isaias Weissnat
Isaias Weissnat

Interminable waiting, order error, friendliness = 0, sandwich and cold fries....Break, a disappointment from the opening. I still notice some improvement since September!

Prof. Collin Pollich Jr.
Prof. Collin Pollich Jr.

I was finally looking for a place to express my discontent! because mc do that it is on their site where on the fb page of fast food does not leave any space of expression to its customers (please let us)! I join the majority of the reviews, I think it is the world’s longest mac do !!! Yet we have to see the world drop the counter, but it prefers to discuss, turn the thumbs while there would be a broom to pass with all the sauces, towels and other straws that jig the ground! and even if they had the kindness for them, but it is really not the case ... and despite this slowness they still manage to make forget 3 times out of 4! There's always something missing! I have no confidence in this staff and have taken the habit of eating cold so they are incomplete!! and concerning the manager, it doesn’t sting one, like the restaurant, you speak of exemplary...I regret that there’s no other mcdo in the corner, but good there’s plenty of Greek or pizzeria that seriously deliver and do it.

Mr. Kayden Hermann
Mr. Kayden Hermann

we live in Combs-la city and so we have visited this "new generation" restaurant several times. Its location out of town is convenient, and the room in itself is rather pleasant.But then what slowness! I've never seen a mcdo where the staff is so slow! We can't clearly call it fast food at this point. At best, you have to wait 15 minutes after it passes to the terminals (most of which never deliver a ticket). and if you have the misfortune of taking a wrap, there's no mention of it!Product breaks are extremely common. A few months after the opening we went there to have a breakfast, and we were told that they did not do so while a large panel showing the different formulas mcmorning was displayed on the restaurant...Break, it's a shame because we live next to it and often prefer to go up to that of moissy cramayel to be certain to find the desired products there, and above all, not.

Jana Bechtelar
Jana Bechtelar

It's been several times I've been spending hollow hours. so dissatisfied with the lack of disorganization. They all drown. I think the recruitment doesn't match the need or the post they have staff but one person manages everything. result it is lost forget the rendering change, a waiting of 20 mns each time and even in the hollow hour. I still have marble to see people looking at their colleagues and people dating cars that lose patience. a great lack of coaching and training and teamwork. The manager would have to take his fast food back.

Leonardo McDermott
Leonardo McDermott

good location, clean and pleasant room. the staff is long .... the endless waiting, many command errors. We ordered 3 menus, after 20 min we received them. sandwich error (instead of beef). the server put the sandwich directly into the trash (even not hit!). What was the waste!The sandwich was delivered 15 minutes later, again an order error. What inefficiency. personal not present, no one is interested in customers. We were 15 in the restaurant, all waiting 30 minutes for our menu. the quality of a fast food, wait when in the starred restaurant.

McDonald's plan d'ouverture


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